Other business coaches or advisors will hate me for saying this and giving away this secret. The principle I’m about to share with you is not rocket science. It is logical. However, as with most principles, it is the execution that delivers the levels of success. It is also one main cause for business failure or stagnation.
‘So what is the secret that will transform my business?’, I hear you cry!
The lifeblood of any business is its customers. Without customers, you simply do not have a business. So why do we see so many businesses that really do not look after their customers; that don’t treat them as the essential part of the business that they are? I urge you to put your customers at the centre of everything that you do. Understand your customers, know their problems, know their needs; and most importantly, know how that makes them feel. Experiences create emotions and people buy based on emotions
This is not just about sales; it’s not just about communication; it’s about the experience. Can you truly say that you have mapped out your end to end customer experience from first point of contact to delivery and follow up? The journey that you take your prospects and clients on is vital. From every touch point and experience throughout that journey will build your brand and build loyalty and support. It is the journey that will create the emotion. If you turn every customer into a fan, and a high percentage of those into raving advocates then:
They will buy more from you and
They will tell others to buy from you
Your target is 100% retention rate. When you combine this with adding just one or two customers a month your business will grow.

Where do you start?
So now I have divulged that secret, where do you start?
One key point in all of this is do you really know your end to end customer journey? Your customer experience. This is a great place to start. Combined with the definition of the emotions you want your audience to feel. On Wednesday 2nd December 2020, we have Ghilaine Chan from Brilliant & Human, who will be talking to us on this exact topic at the Ask the Expert event. These events are now open to all businesses and not just marketing and creative agencies, so please join us. Recordings will be available to members.
The key takeaways from Ghilaine’s talk will be:
Identify where your most important customer touch points are
Elevate these touch points to build trust and create processes to promote reliability
Find out how to set meaningful expectations and become more proactive
There will also be a chance to have your questions answered in the Q&A afterwards.
So, be sure to register for a place today on Eventbrite.
Wednesday 2nd December
2pm via Zoom
£10 + fees (free to members)