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Let the Adventure begin .....

Chris Bantock

Announcing the launch of The Agency Adventure 

I can’t tell you how excited I am to announce that we are moving from Agency Local to The Agency Adventure. 

As of 1st May 2024 we will be known as The Agency Adventure. We are switching brands and updating what we offer. 

What is the Agency Adventure? 

At our core is still the same mission; to help founder agency owners to navigate and take control of the commercial side of their agency business. 

The Agency Adventure supports the journey of ambitious marketing agency founders.

Helping them create an agency to be proud of, navigating the journey, celebrating success and to be there to pick them up when they stumble.

Every agency owner's adventure is different - no two adventures are the same - your adventure is your adventure - no one else’s. Every adventure has a different destination, a different route and a different journey.  

The Agency Adventure is committed to creating agencies for the future. Ensuring they are fit for purpose today whilst equipping them for the journey ahead. At our core is supporting you, the agency owner, on your journey to make you commercially responsible, human centric and sustainable in both the short and long term. You have a destination and together we will get there. 

We give you the confidence, self belief and energy to succeed by bringing experience, skills and knowledge to make sure that the journey is as smooth as possible. Working with you to create a better business whilst avoiding the pitfalls, challenges and inevitable banana skins. If you do stumble we are there to pick you up. 

You don’t need to be on your own, unsure of what to do next or wondering if you have made the right decisions. Access agency business experts, other agency owners and people who have already been down your road to unlock knowledge, inspire action and generate impact.

Everything you need in one place. Oh yes, and we will have some fun along the way.

We are by your side, and on your side. You have a destination and together we will get you there. 

Operating on a human-first approach, with practical advice that drives achievable change combined with accountability to keep on the right path.

Why the change from Agency Local? 

Agency Local has been on its own journey from pre pandemic, pandemic and now post pandemic. 

Brand - We felt that the Agency Local brand was becoming confusing - what does local mean? So we decided last year to change the brand to something more contemporary and meaningful. 

At the same time we looked at how we were supporting agencies and made the decision that we could have the most impact if focused on providing best of breed support, guidance and help in a more focused and deep way to those founders that are really committed to improvement - both their business and themselves. 

What has Changed? 

We have retired the main membership so we are no longer a formal agency  membership community. We made the decision to create a safe space for any agency without the cost of membership. This is our slack group called the Agency Playground.

We reduced our focus on running ‘knowledge’ events to be able to focus on the groups and 121 clients. We will maintain the Huddle networking once a month; the Ramble ‘n Rant networking as well as an Expert Q&A in the Playground once a month. 

In the future we will be partnering with others that deliver these type of events and we signpost as many agency events each month via our Events email and and the listing on the website. 

We will still run our agency social events twice a year.

So, we now focus on providing dedicated support to those that really want it and need it. 

What does The Agency Adventure offer? 

We recognise that no two agency owners' journeys are the same. Different destinations; different paths and everybody is at a different stage on the journey. This is why we do not think a fixed ‘programme’ works. Instead, agency owners need to know that they have the right support as and when it is needed. 

We provide a range of offerings depending on where they are at in the journey matched with how they want to travel. 

Our support services range from ‘Personal Everest’ one to one guiding, to Catching Fire - hivemind / mastermind groups all the way through to the Maze Planner groups which are based on 90 day expeditions.  

Personal Everest

For the more established Agency founder we work on a 121 basis. Working closely with your Guide you will evaluate different areas of your business that need attention. Once prioritised then there is a roadmap of continual improvement. 

There are different levels within the Personal Everest offering, again depending on where you are on your journey. The apex level includes access to the Expert Partners as part of the support. 

Catching Fire 

For those founders that are more comfortable in a group environment and are still getting to grips with the commercial side of running your agency. This is for those dedicated to improving their business and committed to spending the time to learn, discuss, get curious and as a result will develop and grow based on solid foundations. 

This is a Hivemind Mastermind - leveraging the power of the collective mind and knowledge. Accountability is key and founders at this level still benefit from 121 time with a guide. 

Maze Planner 

This is for those just setting out on the journey. You have made the decision to build an agency. Now what? Maze Planner operates on 90 day expeditions - building commercial best practices from day one. Prioritisation, focus and gradual improvement is the name of the game here. Developing good habits that will put you in a great position for the longer journey ahead. 

Why us ? 

At our core are people who have been there, done it, got the scars and t-shirt! It is an ideal mixture of generalists who know how everything works together and subject experts who can go deep into specific topics. 

In safari adventure terms we call this the Big 5:

Sales & Marketing, People and Culture, Finance & Profit, Strategy & Planning and Operations and Process. 

Central to what we do is to focus on creating agencies of the future. We operate in a changing landscape and so the way an agency is run today is very different to the agency world 20 years ago. Once again in safari adventure terms we see this as the Future 5. Things that may not result in dramatic change today but they will in the future. 

Equality & Diversity; Sustainability & Planet; Ai & future Technology; Human & Workplace; Wellbeing not Burnout. 


It is our aim to make you as fit and as prepared as possible for your future adventures and be on your side and by your side along the journey.       

Join us on our journey

It would be wonderful to have you with us on our journey as we continue to navigate and learn about the developing agency world and landscape. I believe that this is really exciting time to be an agency owner which is why it is imperative that you equip yourself, get fit and train yourself for your very exciting adventure ahead.



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