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Chris Bantock

EDI Trailblazers in the Agency world.

This month has seen the announcement that the first Agency has achieved Equality,

Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) accreditation. Congratulations Growth Animals!

It’s widely known that good EDI is great for business – improving innovation, productivity

and profitability and for attracting and retaining fantastic talent. It’s also the “right thing to

do”, so reputationally, having impartial acknowledgement of your achievements is key.

In any business, exceptional talent can be the differentiator between success and failure.

In an agency, particularly a small one, it is a crucial factor. Attracting brilliant talent, if you

aren’t paying the biggest salaries, or aren’t a well-known brand yourself, can often

present a challenge for agency owners. Appealing to the widest talent pool maximises

your ability to attract and retain great people.

Recently launched EDI accreditation, accrEDIted© has been designed to provide impartial

recognition of good EDI practice and help guide organisations on a continuous journey of


Growth Animals became the first agency to become accrEDIted© in September 2024.

They are B-Corp Certified, an ethical small business already committed to “doing good”.

So why did they want to become accrEDIted©?

Co-founder and CEO Chris Thornill said:

“We’ve always believed that creating teams with a variety of voices is where the magic happens, so we’re delighted to be accrEDIted©, as this not only complements our B-Corp certification, but goes one step further in showcasing our ongoing commitment to bringing together diverse ‘flocks’ of people, together creating impact with fresh perspectives and different experiences. Our thanks go to the EDI Accreditation team, who put us through a straight-forward but thorough process and who are demonstrating with their accreditation that you don’t have to be a huge corporation to put the right EDI in place.”

For small business, any type of accreditation can often seem daunting and costly, both in

terms of time and money. accrEDIted© was designed to be achievable, affordable and

accessible for every size of organisation.


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