As many of you know we have taken stock of our events activity whilst we have all had a break in August. We are now coming back bigger and better and wanted to let you know of some of the changes that we have made.
If you remember we did an events survey in July, thanks to all who contributed once again. So, based on this feedback, conversations we have had and our own ideas the Agency Local events team have decided on a few changes.
What will stay?
All our events are aimed at making your agency a better business and you, as the owner, a better leader. We strive to be thought provoking, ideas giving and opportunity generating – this ethos remains in all we do.
Why make changes?
We are constantly seeking improvement and the feedback is that running so many events some people found it hard to find the time to attend. Yes members can watch on the recording however it is not quite the same as being there and being able to ask your questions. The changes are not radical, just some tweaking.
What is changing?
Insight Event – remains the same – every second month on the third Thursday of the month in the evening starting at 6.30pm. (Apart from this month which will be on the 23rd Sept). It is our intention to get back to running these as in person events. For now September will be virtual and we are looking for November to be face to face.
Ask the Expert
We have made the decision to run one AtE event a month instead of two. These will run on the second Thursday of the month from November with Septembers being on the 8th.
We will now be running these first thing in the morning starting at 9.30 am.
We will run one Huddle a month on the first Friday of the month. A great way to kick off a new month. These will remain at 2pm in the afternoon.
We will be encouraging you to ‘bring a friend’ and to encourage a wider audience to attend these. New members will also have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the community. 90 Day Planning workshops
Until now these have been held at random times and dates. We will be running these on a bi monthly basis – these will be open to members and non members alike. The next one will be on September 16th at 9.30 am. Then on the fourth Thursday of alternate months, so November and then January
Marketing Showcase – Member to Member
We are excited to announce a new series of events. We are a community of marketing professionals however our own businesses marketing always seems to fall down the priority list!
We want to provide members with the opportunity to educate and help other members on aspects of their own marketing activity and at the same time showcase your expertise.
These will be running bi-monthly in months where we do not have an Insight event – so the third Thursday of the month and will be run at 9.30 am.
Watch this space for more news on these events
The Agency Local events team hope that these changes will meet with your approval and we look forward to seeing you at as many events as possible. Remember – we run these events for you – to help you build better agency businesses.
All forthcoming events are featured on the Events Page